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The Project Pathway

Leveraging our world-class staff, culture, community engagement, and project-based approach, Belton New Tech @Waskow is a direct answer to the challenges that our students will face in their future of work and life, empowering them through an educational experience found at no other school in the state of Texas.


The BNT@W Project Pathway is composed of 5 distinct project phases:



"The best introduction I have ever had for a project is the cancer project in Mrs. Kaer’s room. She sparked something within my class and i by being relatable because cancer is so prevalent. It made us passionate and excited about a project, which in the end made our final projects more professional and detailed." - Sam McKenzie



"Don't be afraid of surrounding yourself with resources. Make the project's required content fun to indulge on even in daily life--make it something you genuinely become familiar with. Documentaries, Ted Talks, Wikipedia, and books are all paramount to your success and mastery of the topic."  - Jaida Blessing



"Students are able to strategize an approach to the driving question of the project while defining their roles as individual group members for their overall success. They are able to develop and assign tasks to ensure that deadlines are met and project criteria are achieved." - Charles Rodarte



"The Create phase is where I can let my imagination run wild. This part of the Project Pathway is important because it’s the pinnacle of the project production process. I use this time to make the product that I want to show off, then seek advice from my peers in order to bring these ideas to their fullest potential." - Caden Van Cleave



 "For the Shakespeare moot court project, supreme court round, I was in the Pittenger center with a crowd of people; but all I could focus on was the judge and making sure I did my absolute best. Having a real judge there was so much scarier but worth the experience I now have."  - Isabelle Ryals



"This stage is not only for students, but also the teacher. The students reflect on how the learning was accomplished through the project. Students use this reflection t o help them in other projects and teachers are able to use students' ideas to improve projects or in the creation of new ideas. Overall we want our students and teachers to recognize challenges and achievements for continuous improvement." - Sarah Giles

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